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Cal-IVRS Renewal: Spearheading the Future of Public Health in California and Beyond

In a significant milestone for University of California (UC) San Diego, the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI), and the Division of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI), the contract for the California Integrated Vital Records System (Cal-IVRS), one of the most advanced vital records systems in the world, was recently renewed for a period of three more years through June of 2027. This contract, a $25 million interagency agreement between UC San Diego and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), highlights UC’s more than 42 years of unwavering commitment to providing the best-in-class electronic vital records and statistics for California. Continue Reading


State pilot program stretches CalFresh benefits amid rising food insecurity in SoCal
Rising grocery prices over the last few years and an end to pandemic-era public food program boosts have made it hard for many in Southern California to afford food for their families, experts say.About one in three households in Los Angeles County are food insecure, meaning they don't have access to enough food to live an active, healthy life, according to research from .
... Continue Reading 

AI and Clinical Practice-the AI Health Care Goal for Patient Care
In this Q&A, JAMA Editor in Chief Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, PhD, MD, MAS, interviews John Ayers, PhD, MA, vice chief of innovation in the Division of Infectious Diseases & Global Public Health, deputy director of informatics in the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute, and affiliate scientist in the Qualcomm Institute, all at UC San Diego, to discuss how ....Continue Reading

Getting Sick All the Time? Don’t (Necessarily) Blame COVID-19
Respiratory disease season is in full swing, with influenza, RSV, and COVID-19 case counts rising in various parts of the U.S. Hospitals in some states are also reporting upticks in pediatric pneumonia diagnoses, which experts say seems to be unrelated to the recent spike of pneumonias reported in China ....Continue Reading

Chatbots are accurate, show more empathy than doctors in answering questions, study finds
A new study finds that chatbots are just as accurate and far more empathetic than doctors at answering basic patient questions. At some level, this isn't surprising. We've all faced a caregiver's back while they type into a computer terminal, or gotten only a blank stare or a prescription rather than a sympathetic ear.
But it's not really their fault ....Continue Reading


UCSD Researchers Are Studying Whether Magic Mushrooms Can Treat Phantom Limb Pain
UC San Diego’s Psychedelic Research Center is studying whether psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, has any effect on phantom limb pain. And that’s just the beginning. A couple weeks ago, UC San Diego researcher Fadel Zeidan led Voice of San Diego reporters through the antiseptic hallways of the Altman Clinical and Translational and Research Institute ....Continue Reading
UCSD to Train 200 Community Health Workers From Minority Communities
UC San Diego will use a $3 million grant to train 200 people from refugee, immigrant and Native American populations in the county to become community health workers, it was announced Tuesday. The initiative, spearheaded by  UCSD’s Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, results from the effectiveness of ....Continue Reading
#MedEd: How doctors use social media to advance medicine
Social media’s effects on propagating misinformation among the lay public are widely debated, but a new paper from JAMA suggests physicians using social media are revolutionizing medical education. Ever wonder what your doctor is doing on social media? A new study published in JAMA led by John W. Ayers, Ph.D., from the Qualcomm Institute within the University of California San Diego ....Continue Reading

ACTRI News Archive 2020 - 2022

ACTRI In the News

Texts lead CalFresh users to healthy produce

Study: No Serious COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects in Breastfeeding Moms, Infants

ACTRI News Archive 2019 and Older