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Center for Community Health (CCH)

CCH is a nationally recognized leader in community-engaged research. Its activities are grounded in CCH’s Community Led Transformation approach to co-design solutions, build trust, and center community ownership across initiatives. As the ACTRI’s trust-building unit, CCH collaborates with partners at regional, state, and national levels. Through established relationships, CCH works with community members to identify research priorities, connect researchers with partners (e.g., for Data and Safety Monitoring Boards), and support community-engaged projects such as proposal development and participant recruitment.


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Vision and Mission

Our vision is to have healthy communities where everyone has equitable opportunity to thrive.

Our mission is to advance health equity though community partnerships by transforming public health practice, research, and education.



Strategic Goals

  1. Culturally responsive program development

  2. Empowered research and evaluation

  3. Effective dissemination and communication

  4. Collaborative community engagement 

  5. Enhanced community capacity building

Meet the Team

CCH is a majority people of color and women-led center, with significant expertise in nutrition security, food equity, refugee and immigrant health, child and family health promotion, and youth engagement. See more about our team here.



Programs and Initiatives

Our work improves health and wellness in underserved communities, impacting the San Diego/Baja region, statewide in California, and across the nation. Read about our work here.



Current and Past Programs

Community Health Equity

  • Youth Advisory Council (YAC)- The YAC is a group of highly motivated, hard-working, and passionate young people dedicated to improving health for San Diego communities.

  • Refugee Health Unit- The Refugee Health Unit was launched in 2017 in response to the growing number of refugees in San Diego, home to the largest refugee population in California to date.

  • Advancing Health Literacy Program- We implement culturally appropriate, evidence-based health literacy strategies to address the effects of COVID-19 on BIPOC and refugee communities in San Diego County.

  • HEALthy 4 You (ACEs)- We're working with Latino communities, promotores, and clinics to create a precision medicine community-based approach to mitigate adverse childhood experiences.

  • San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative- An initiative of the County of San Diego Health and Human Services department, the Childhood Obesity Initiative brings together partners to work to reduce and prevent childhood obesity.

  • Comité Organizador Latino de City Heights (COLCH)- City Heights Latino Organizing Committee (COLCH) is a group of women dedicated to advancing the health and education of children in their community.

  • Lactation Supportive Environments- The Lactation Supportive Environments project works to increase the number of settings that support lactation accommodations and breastfeeding-friendly environments.

  • Community Health Workers for Advancing Public Health- Academic-community initiative that aims to train individuals from refugee, immigrant, and Native American populations to become community health workers.

Nutrition Security and Food Justice

  • Eat CA- Search for tips on how to select, store, and prepare California-grown seasonal fruits and vegetables.

  • ¡Más Fresco! More Fresh- The ¡Más Fresco! More Fresh Program provides financial incentives that can be used to purchase fruits and vegetables.

  • Urban Food Equity- Urban Food Equity improves food access by building upon neighborhood-level food assets.

Legacy Past Programs

News and Stories

Take a look at our project updates, successes, and community impacts we’re making.

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CCH has a number of resources available to better support communities and practices. Their curated resources include reports, toolkits, case studies, and guidelines to supporting community health.

   Access CCH Resources

Take Action

Join the Center for Community Health and support our mission today! 

   Click Here to Join CCH




Share your story

Are you a champion in your community, taking action to make your community a healthier place? Do you know someone who is

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Youth Advisory Council

Our Youth Advisory Council aids the Center in making important choices about our programs

   Join the council









We’re looking for undergraduate and graduate students passionate about community health

   join our internship program







For more information please visit the CCH website.


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