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TSBM In Action at ACTRI

Check out the ACTRI projects and programs that have used the TSBM to showcase the potential and demonstrated impacts of their work across the following domains: ClinicalCommunityEconomic, and Policy.

Access to Tailored Autism Integrated Care through Family Navigation (ATTAIN NAV)

ATTAIN NAV was co-designed with caregiver and healthcare partners and delivered by lay navigators to facilitate access to mental health and family support services for school-age children with autism.

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Strategies to Engage Underserved Communities in Southern California in COVID-19 Testing, Vaccinations and Trials

The STOP COVID-19 CA project is funded by the National Institutes of Health as part of a nationwide NIH initiative, the Community Engagement Alliance Against COVID-19 Disparities (CEAL), which include community-academic teams in 11 states through the U.S. and focuses on COVID-19 awareness and education research for communities most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Enhancing Collaborative Decision-Making Among Veterans of Color in VA Mental Health Care

Serious mental illness (SMI) is a leading cause of disability, impacting over 258,000 Veterans. One important component of recovery-oriented services is collaborative decision-making, which empowers patients and facilitates better decision-making based on patient values and preferences.  This study not only addresses a crucial gap in the mental health treatment of veterans of color but also sets a precedent for using collaborative and culturally informed methods to enhance treatment efficacy and participant engagement.

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Effects of Blood Pressure on Cognition and Cerebral Oxygenation in Parkinson's Disease

This research study explores mechanisms related to blood pressure and its affects cognitive performance and brain blood flow in persons with Parkinson's Disease.

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Novel Markers for Monitoring Kidney Transplants

This project focuses on developing personalized tools to monitor kidney transplant patients, aiming to predict and reduce the risk of transplant rejection. By using computer algorithms and identifying specific immune markers, the goal is to help tailor immunosuppressant therapy for each patient, improving transplant outcomes while minimizing side effects like infections or cancer.

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Implementation of state health insurance benefit mandates for cancer-related fertility preservation: following policy through a complex system

This study aimed to document and understand the multi-level environment, relationships, and activities involved in using state benefit mandates to facilitate patient access to fertility preservation services.

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